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We provide support in many ways, from project grants to services that can help you strengthen your organization. Search the Grants and Programs Directory below to narrow down which programs best suit your needs.
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If you have an idea that focuses on arts and culture, this program could help support it.
This program is delivered by the Columbia Kootenay Cultural Alliance.
If you’re a college student who needs financial help, this bursary could be for you.
The Community Development Program supports the efforts of Basin residents to address community challenges and opportunities in the Columbia Basin Trust region.
This program helps strengthen the Early Childhood Educator (ECE) workforce by providing a training wage to ECE Assistants (ECEAs) and certified ECEs, employed by licensed child care facilities in the Basin, to support them to complete and/or upgrade their ECE qualifications.
The Food Producer Wage Subsidy Program provides support to primary food producers in the Basin. The program will provide flexibility to farmers to hire employees as needed throughout the 2024 growing and harvesting season. This program helps increase Basin residents’ access to locally grown, healthy food and is addressing the Trust’s Local Food Production and Access strategic priority.
If you have an idea that will maintain or enhance grassland resources while meeting conservation, environment and recreation objectives, this program could help support it. This program is delivered by the Kootenay Livestock Association.
This scholarship is for people who have triumphed over adversity and wish to pursue post-secondary education. This is an opportunity for someone to demonstrate their individual determination, future goals and self-motivation. It is evaluated on merit and not on academic achievements.
ReDi Grants (Resident Directed Grants) support projects that benefit the broad community and public good through community-based decision-making and ensuring an opportunity for resident input on projects. These grants are funded by the Trust and delivered in partnership with First Nations
If your community event, celebration, festival or fair needs a small amount of financial assistance, this program could help support it.
If you’re a graduating high school student who has done meaningful volunteer work, this award could be for you.
The Trust supports a variety of housing needs in the Basin. Our priority is to help ensure residents have access to housing that meets their needs.
If you need help making your business stronger, you can use this program to access confidential, one-to-one counselling and assessment services free of charge.
Basin RevUp is a business growth accelerator program that supports businesses that are positioned to grow. It provides customized support, training and networking to growth stage companies, based in the Columbia Basin Trust region.
Through our Basin Youth Network, we help communities increase local activities and opportunities for youth aged 12 to 18, enabling them to learn new skills, like leadership, and engage more with each other and their communities.
The Columbia Basin Trust launched this program to help maintain and create new child care spaces in the Basin, train more Early Childhood Educators and provide advisory services to child care providers.
The Community Resiliency Investment Program – Columbia Basin Wildfire Resiliency Initiative supports Basin communities to build capacity and strengthens wildfire resilience and wildfire risk reduction as it relates to the seven FireSmart™ disciplines.
Community Liaisons play a pivotal role in fostering connections and facilitating positive change within Basin communities. Through regular conversations, they provide valuable guidance and support, and help groups and organizations navigate the Trust’s programs and funding opportunities.
Based on input from Basin residents, one of our strategic priorities is to support healthy, diverse and functioning ecosystems. Our new Ecosystem Enhancement Program will have a meaningful and measurable impact in supporting and strengthening ecosystem health in the Basin.
The Trust has developed a First Nations Housing Sustainability Initiative to support First Nations communities in the Basin with enhancing and increasing their local affordable housing.
The Trust is working to make high-speed Internet connectivity available throughout the region. This work is being done through our wholly-owned subsidiary, Columbia Basin Broadband Corporation.
If you need support making your non-profit organization stronger, this program can help you increase capacity, become more sustainable and become more efficient.
If you wish to hire an apprentice, this program, delivered by College of the Rockies, could give you a wage subsidy.
This program helps employers to create short-term jobs while enhancing Basin recreational trails. Basin residents who are unemployed and underemployed, will gain work experience as they advance their skills.
The Trust’s Child Care Grants focus on strengthening the quality of child care in the Basin. This program has two funding streams, New Equipment and Small Improvements
The Community Readiness Program supports Basin communities’ ability to meet their needs during emergencies and disasters such as floods, wildfires, extreme heat or sustained power and communication interruptions.
This program helps strengthen the Early Childhood Educator (ECE) workforce by providing a $2 per hour wage subsidy to enhance the wages of eligible ECEs employed by licensed child care facilities in the Columbia Basin Trust region.
The goal of this program is to improve the energy efficiency and sustainability of older affordable housing units in the Basin. This program will help ensure existing affordable housing units are maintained, cost-effective, energy-efficient and comfortable for residents.
Non-Profit SMART Grants support Basin non-profits and First Nations to increase their energy efficiency, generate renewable energy, adapt to the impacts of climate change, and/or reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.
The Recharge Program supports non-profit housing societies to install solar photovoltaic arrays on existing affordable rental housing buildings in the Columbia Basin to help maintain affordability and meet the challenges of climate change.
ReDi Grants (Resident Directed Grants) support projects that benefit the broad community and public good through community-based decision-making and ensuring an opportunity for resident input on projects.
If you wish to hire a full-time student on a part-time basis during the school year (September to May), this program, delivered by College of the Rockies.
The Small Community Wildfire Readiness Support program helps small and First Nations communities in the Basin plan and prepare for wildfires through wildfire prevention and protection equipment, training courses and planning assessments.
Small-scale Ecosystem grants are available to enhance a terrestrial and/or aquatic ecosystem, such as wetlands, fish habitat, forests or grasslands
If you wish to hire a high-school or post-secondary student in a full-time entry-level or career-related job over the summer, this program could give you a wage subsidy.
Grants and Programs
To support residents and communities in addressing the issues that matter most to them, we invite you to explore our list of grants, programs, and initiatives below. If you don’t find a specific option that suits your project, reach out to the community liaison for your area to discuss your needs.
Additionally, we recognize that many projects require collaboration, additional partners and substantial funding. To assist with this, we’ve created a database of granting agencies and government grant programs that you can refer to. You can download this resource here.
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