Early Childhood Educator Training Wage Program
This program helps strengthen the Early Childhood Educator (ECE) workforce by providing a training wage to ECE Assistants (ECEAs) and certified ECEs, employed by licensed child care facilities in the Basin, to support them to complete and/or upgrade their ECE qualifications.
Who Can Apply
Before applying, review the detailed eligibility requirements in the Program Guide.
Licensed non-profit and for-profit child care providers in the Basin region with the following designations are eligible to apply on behalf of eligible ECEAs and ECEs employed at their facility.
- Group Child Care
- Multi-Aged Child Care
- Preschools
- Family Child Care*
- In-Home Multi-Age Child Care
*To be eligible, providers operating Family Child Care must be intending to transition their license to In-Home Multi-Age Child Care when their ECE training is complete.
ECE Assistants and ECEs employed at facilities designated as Occasional Child Care, Registered License-Not-Required Care, License-Not-Required Care and In-Child’s-Own-Home Care are not eligible. Refer to the Childcare BC webpage for clarification on licensing designation.
How to Apply
- Download and review the Program and Application Guide.
- Use the worksheet to develop your application offline if you so choose.
- Apply online.
Contact us at 1.877.489.2687 ext. 3689 or email ecewagesubsidy@ourtrust.org if you have questions or want to discuss eligibility.
Application Deadline
Applications are accepted on a first-received, first-served basis and are assessed as they come in and continue until all funding for the program has been committed.
Contact us at 1.877.489.2687 ext. 3689 or email ecewagesubsidy@ourtrust.org if you have questions.
Complete your reporting here.