BC’s new Societies Act came into effect on November 28, 2016, and non-profit societies have two years to file their Transition Application. To help with this process, the Trust has partnered with Law For Non-Profits (LFNP) to offer support to non-profit organizations in the Basin.
Online information hubs are available to help non-profits with transitioning to the new Societies Act. These Societies Act Transition Hubs have trained mentors who offer guidance and consultation and deliver facilitated workshops to support the transition process. Register for the east or west hub to access these services.
Upcoming workshops are in Nelson on March 9 and Kaslo on March 12 and April 2. More workshops are being scheduled in the Golden, Revelstoke and other parts of the Basin. For a list of workshop locations and details, and to register, click here.
The Transition Application is an online form provided by the Corporate Registry–paper filings will no longer be allowed as everything is being moved to an electronic evergreen system. Societies are required to digitize and upload their constitution and by-laws to the Registry, as well as ensure that any overdue annual reports are filed and Statement of Directors and Registered Office are up to date.
For more information and to access online resources such as a Transition Guide, Application Filing Guide, local workshop events, webinars, legal support, other tools, or to request a workshop in your community, visit Law for Non-Profits.
Additional resources on the new Societies Act are available at ourtrust.org/npa.