Join us at one of two symposia.
Every three years, we offer this FREE opportunity for the people of the Basin to get together, connect with each other and the Trust, work toward solutions to common issues and celebrate our collective accomplishments.
NEW FOR 2020! In 2020 we’ll be offering two symposia in two locations. That way, more people can take part. The agendas will be identical, so save the date to attend only one of the following:
- Trail: October 2 to 4, 2020
- Golden: October 23 to 25, 2020.
Next year, the Our Trust, Our Future: 2020 engagement process will be underway as we envision our future priorities with people in the Basin. The results of the engagement plus other topics of broad regional and community interest, will form part of the symposia agenda. We’ll also be turning 25 next year and hope that you will join in celebrating all that we have accomplished together!
As in previous years, the Trust will host an Evening of Basin Culture and Entertainment in Golden and Trail, open to delegates and the general public.
Anyone who lives in Columbia Basin Trust’s region is welcome to attend one of the symposia. And if you won’t be able to come in person, plan to participate online. More details to come.
Registration opens Spring 2020. Be one of the first to register and learn about speakers and agenda highlights by subscribing to receive email updates about the Symposia.
Visit the website and see what took place at previous symposia here.
Save the date and we hope you’ll join us in October 2020!