Internet Service Providers
As an Internet Service Provider, delivering internet services to Basin residents and businesses is vital as connectivity continues to evolve and be a part of our everyday lives. For you to provide your clients with reliable connections, Columbia Basin Broadband Corporation has the following services available:
Internet Bandwidth/IP Transit
Internet bandwidth services are tailored for re-selling over a last mile distribution network with multiple clients. Our service offerings are burstable to allow Internet Service Providers access to high-capacity offerings while only having to pay for data usage that is needed.
Bandwidth speeds in increments up to 10 Gbps available.
On-net Transport
Transport services allow for cost-effective connection between two or more Columbia Basin Broadband Corporation points of presence allowing Internet Bandwidth/IP services to be aggregated. Transport services are tailored for Internet Service Providers looking to expand their service areas, connect to additional sites on their existing networks or looking for a more scalable and reliable alternative to wireless backhaul.
Bandwidth speeds in increments up to 10 Gbps available.
Last Mile Community Distribution Connections
Last mile services are tailored to Internet Service Providers who serve business clients using our services.