Twice as many College of the Rockies students can rest their heads on more affordable, on-campus beds when a new student-housing complex opens in 2020.
Six new cottage-style buildings will provide spaces for 96 more students, doubling capacity at the college and allowing students to focus on their studies instead of where to live.
“We know that the lack of affordable housing is an issue across Basin communities, which is why we’ve made it a priority to help communities address their housing needs,” said Johnny Strilaeff, President and CEO, Columbia Basin Trust. “We’re pleased to be able to support College of the Rockies and students with more affordable housing options, which in turn eases the rental market in Cranbrook more broadly.”
“This project is an investment in our students, an investment in Cranbrook, because it will mean nearly 100 students won’t be competing for Cranbrook rentals, and an investment in the future because it will be energy efficient,” said David Walls, President and CEO, College of the Rockies. “It’s exciting to think of the increased vibrancy and sense of community at the college from more students living on campus.”
Read the full release and learn more about the Trust’s work in housing.